We offer databases for business clients and public administration

Postal Codes

We have an accurate database of postal codes with detailed zone boundaries. In the case of cities that have many postal codes, the zones were drawn manually rather than being generated automatically, as is the case with most databases of this type available on the market.

Address databases and geocoding tools

We offer an address database compliant with the Register of Towns, Streets and Addresses, as well as tools for the automatic geocoding of addresses on its basis.

Demographic and socioeconomic data

We provide demographic data (age, gender and number of inhabitants) accurate to the address point. We have archived data on the number of people since 1995. On request, we can also prepare databases on the purchasing power, size and wealth of households and expenditure in individual product categories.

Road network, buildings and plot boundaries

For the purposes of analyses and mapping studies, within a short time we are able to provide a vector database of roads, buildings, plot boundaries, land use, etc. These data are compiled on the basis of registers made available to the public.

Points of Interest (POI)

We provide extensive POI databases - including specialized data on request, e.g. competitor location databases. We also update databases used by our clients.

Attractions and tourist routes, monuments.

On request, we develop detailed databases of attractions and tourist routes, monuments, places related to tourists (e.g. restaurants, accommodation, tourist information points, etc.)

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